Time of day

A I sit here writing this just after lunchtime the sun is shining , there isn’t a cloud in the sky, which is quite unusual for Scotland! You would think it makes for a perfect time to get out and take beautiful pictures of dogs right? Well no. It was earlier when the sun was much lower in the sky and the light was what photographers would call better. I can hear you ask why it matters where the sun is as long as it’s out and about.

The difference is all about shadows and how ‘hard’ the light is. Or to put it another way, if you were to look up at the sun at midday (please don’t as I don’t want you to hurt your eyes) you would be blinded by the light. (Brief pause while I get my mind back from the song). Now if you were to look up at the sky earlier or later in the afternoon you would the sun to be much less of a blinding light.

Essentially earlier in the day and later in the afternoon are the best times to be taking pictures of your dog as the light isn’t as strong which doesn’t give us harsh shadows, like drawing a line with a biro instead of a sharpie, and hot spots, where the sun is beaming on 1 part of your dog and making it stand out/lose detail on their coats.

Here you can see a picture that I took earlier in the morning;


It’s all about the treats


I’m camera shy but want to be in the pictures