I’m camera shy but want to be in the pictures

Like 60% of the population I’m very camera shy and love my dogs. I would love to be in at least 1 of the pictures with them but I don’t know how to relax, whether to smile and feel like a madman or to keep a straight face and look like I’m angry at the world!

There are a few things we can do to work around that. We can chat about you and your dog or your interests, I can crack a (very) bad Dad joke to hopefully make you smile naturally etc.

These are great ways to get you to lower your guard but how many of us turn up for a dog photoshoot ready to have our picture taken?

I find the best solution is to be in the picture without being ‘in’ it. That way you don’t have to worry about your facial expressions or being camera ready with your hair styled and make up done. You don’t even have to worry about that muddy paw print on your top where your fur baby jumped up.


Time of day